

Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you
live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my
God. Wherever you die, I will die, and there I will be buried. 

Ruth  1:16-17

First me…

I am a Christian… a passionate, devoted Christian desiring an ever deeper
relationship with my Lord! I am a Warrior! A front-line warrior! I love
defending and fighting! My favorite place to be is in battle on my knees,
defeating the enemy that comes to kill, steal and destroy. (John 10:10) I am a
wife, a mom, a woman so full of gratitude for all I get to be in this life.
And, according to a friend of mine, I am a big-mouth! Someone who can’t keep
quiet when something needs to be said, a stand needs to be taken, truth needs
to get out, a declaration needs to be made. I keep thinking I will go home and
be quiet, let others run with the program, but I never get around to it! So,
this blog is to document life lived, lessons learned, wisdom acquired…..and I
have lived, learned, and acquired a lot in my lifetime. My prayer is that my
kids benefit greatly from what I pass on… I love them so. 

Next, Mr. Huck…

Mr. Huck is also a Christian… a man of conviction, faithfulness, loyalty,
devotion to his Lord and family, and a man of commitment to what is right and
hard work…serving and providing for his family endlessly.

We have been married for 29 years with seven kids between the two of us. We
are a blended family with each of us bringing one child to the marriage, and
then adding five more after we married. We have lived a life filled with
magnificent blessings, heart-wrenching crises, endless successes, and countless
failures, but through them all the Hand of the Almighty Father has carried us.