Deep, Deeper, Deeper

Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me. By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life. Psalm 42:7-8   Regardless of where each of us is today in...

The Enduring War

  I posted The Shift two years ago today… Not having this post in mind and unaware of the timing, I wrote another entry this morning in response to the current times… It couldn’t be clearer that the Lord is right beside us, seeing us...

A Dream that Altered Eternity for One

2019 was a difficult year, as had been the previous two years, in the life of my cousin. Earlier in 2019, his wife took ill suddenly on a road trip to Florida with another couple. She had a heart attack she could not recover from and passed away due to the...
The Huck Clan!

The Huck Clan!

27+ years ago Mr. Huck and I married. We began as a blended family with each of us bringing one child into the marriage. Both of us had come from backgrounds that were peppered with failure, disappointment, divorce, and heartache. We also came from a place of...