I posted The Shift two years ago today… Not having this post in mind and unaware of the timing, I wrote another entry this morning in response to the current times… It couldn’t be clearer that the Lord is right beside us, seeing us through…



For those that have ears…. The SHIFT has occurred. There will be no turning back. This is new and unchartered territory, for us, the current troops. The days ahead promise challenge! At times confusion and chaos! In all times motivation to drop to our knees… The WAR was waged long ago with the battles continuing in frequency and increased intensity. Each of us that is willing has been in a place of preparation, training, equipping, and education. Now is the time to stand and say, “Here am I, Lord, send me!” with great conviction, determination, and courage… Now is the time to run forth in battle, Mighty Warriors…on our knees!

My entry today:


The Enduring War

All or most of us know how war plays out in general terms.  The army is called and organized and marches out to the battleground.  The idea of victory is fresh and the motivation to win is strong, filled with energy and excitement.  The troops are filled with conviction and determination as they go out to wage their war.  The battle is intense, and the wages are heavy.  The war continues lingering longer than expected. The battles within the war pop up in unexpected places taking more of the provisions than originally calculated.  Before long, the soldiers are exhausted, disillusioned, frustrated, and declaring this is not what they envisioned in their youth and zeal.

They find themselves reevaluating their motives, their strategies, and at times the original purpose. The unity is waning and confusion seeps in. The cost is great. And the War rages on… Is it worth all of this? Can they endure to the end? The intended victory? Can they individually and collectively keep their eye on the goal of victory?

And here we are!  Those of us that are intent on our calling to “wage war on our knees” in the heavenlies.  We have been at it for a time, some much longer than others…We cry out to the Commander and Chief to guide us, lead us to the Victory… intervention for those we intercede for…the prodigal…the sick…the lost…the forsaken…the broken.

And, I hear…

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds,

for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.

And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete,

lacking in nothing.

James 1:2-4


So, we regroup, add a little more padding to our knees, redirect our focus back to our Leader, our Father God, and the promise of Victory. We pat one another on the back, join together in huddle formation to unify and cheer each other on, and we jump with steadfastness, and perseverance, and endurance back into the war, declaring impending VICTORY…


Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he willreceive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.

James 1:12


Do you find yourself a bit disillusioned today? Exhausted? Battle weary? Have you been battling for what seems to be a very long time with no visible end in sight?  Hold on…stay the course… Shift your gaze off the distractions of the left and the right, the unexpected pop-up battles, and determine to hold your gaze steady on the One who leads…the One who promises VICTORY, AMAZING AND MAGNIFICENT VICTORY…


But the one who endures to the end will be saved.

Matt. 24:13