Luke 6:24-27

Therefore, everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.  The rain fell, the torrents raged, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because its foundation was on the rock.

But everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.  The rain fell, the torrents raged, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell—and great was its collapse!”

Dear Kids of Mine,

You may remember when we lived in Florida, every year we had to prepare for the possibility of a hurricane, especially living on the east coast. Our house was a framed brick house built on a concrete foundation.  To offer added protection to our home, we kept plywood on hand to board up windows, sandbags to put at the base of the doors, and a variety of other provisions along with water and food in case of power outages. We strived to have the safest house possible in times of threatening storms.

As I look all around me today, I see fellow Christians trying to survive in a poorly built and poorly maintained house on the sand with storms coming now fast and furious; our houses are cracking, crumbling, and collapsing… We have not taken the time to ensure a well-built spiritual structure including all the provisions needed to endure a storm.  It is so easy to get caught up in the cares of the day, the tyranny of the urgent, the distractions at every turn while living the life.  It is so easy to assess the good times as God’s blessings when we have health, family, and friends while climbing the ladder of success and enjoying the fruits of our labor.  All the while, we haven’t spent the quality or quantity of time in relationship with the Father, learning all that He has available for us to grow in understanding, knowledge, wisdom, discernment, and humility.  We have not taken the time to apply His Commandments in our daily walk; we have not studied and put into practice His Principles in our construction of life, instead, we do it all according to what seems logical, reasonable, practical, or best according to what our foolish and self-centered common sense would dictate.

I know a few Christians that have been faithful over the years…the decades, to consistently study the Word, spend ample time in prayer and service and worship, continually putting one learned commandment, principle, or concept after another in place like a master mason building the walls of a structure.  The walls, because of great attention to detail and consistency learned through knowledge, understanding, and experience are strong and sturdy providing a shield and haven of provision for the builder.

Conversely, I know too many Christians that apply far too little in their pursuit of the Christian life, believing that it is enough and all they have to spare in time and effort, only to find their spiritual house is poorly constructed and poorly maintained providing no real shelter and provision in times of storm.  Sadly, they find themselves in a place of crisis and disaster with chaos and confusion as their companions.  Suddenly their marriages are falling apart, their family relationships are crumbling, all their life accounts are at a deficit or empty,  there is no peace or tranquility in their homes or hearts, and they are at a loss as to what to do. There is no provision to draw from.

So, my children, when the storms of life come….and they will…. I pray you have taken the time, wisely, to build on a solid and firm foundation, calculating and factoring in every block laid, every aspect of your Christian structure submitted to the Master Builder, and then attended to with great intentionality and detail.  May your “House upon the Rock” see you through all the storms of life with no real or permanent damage or regret.  May each of you seek the Master in all things, at all times, with all your heart…